Interesting Facts About Amazon


Here are some interesting facts about Amazon: Ama­zon has an­nounced the ac­qui­si­tion of on­line phar­macy Pill­Pack for a re­ported $1 bil­lion entering the $400 bil­lion U.S. pre­scrip­tion drug mar­ket. As a result, Amazon could be placing itself in a position of having access to sensitive medical information. Ama­zon is work­ing with Berk­shire Hath­away and JP­Mor­gan […]

Optimise Your Website for Voice Search

google voice search

In 2019, Google voice search queries are estimated to increase by 35% and a quarter of 16-24 year olds already use voice search every day. There is an increasing number of voice recognition tools being made available. After numerous updates, Siri and Cortana, are becoming more user friendly and tech giants like Amazon’s Alexa and […]

Google to Target Mobile Page Speed Load Time

mobile web

The speed of loading mobile websites on devices currently doesn’t impact mobile rankings. But Google will be updating the page speed ranking to specifically look at page loading speed. Google has released a page analysis tool for users to test their website and suggestions on what to fix.  Tips: Make sure your website is mobile friendly. This […]

The Importance of Content Marketing

goldfish marketing

  How to market to the ‘goldfish’ consumer A recent study showed that the average consumer visits over 2 500 websites per year. This is a lot of content for the consumer to take in. The study showed that video and rich content such as graphics and images kept the users attention on the website. […]

What’s next in 2018?

road less travelled

Dear clients, partners and suppliers, We wish to thank you for your support in our 30th year in business. This year has been one of our most exciting years to date. Ranging from data and marketing tools being made available to digital advertising, remarketing and automated sales-appointment setting, the marketing and advertising industries are being […]

LinkedIn’s New Algorithm Updates and How to Best Use Them

linkedin south africa

LinkedIn has remained a mysterious social network to many, being dubbed a sales and head-hunting network. With its recent updates, such as native video, LinkedIn is starting to become more of a ‘social’ network. Networking with other professionals has become easier and more attainable. Amplifying your content reach It may seem logical, but the more […]

Google, Facebook Tackle Misinformation in Wake of Las Vegas Shooting

las vegas

(Wall Street Journal) Google and Face­book dis­played false in­for­ma­tion in the wake of the Las Ve­gas shoot­ing, again rais­ing con­cerns over peo­ple’s abil­ity to ma­nip­u­late the heav­ily traf­ficked plat­forms for so­cial me­dia and news. The com­pa­nies said they promptly deleted the ma­te­r­ial, which had been pulled from web­sites by al­go­rithms search­ing for news about the […]

Twitter Extends 140-Character Limit

Twitter has extended its character limit of tweets to 280. Twitter will allow users to use the new character limit to its full extent, with user handles and media attachments excluded from the character count. User handles (@names) and media attachments (photos, GIFs, videos and polls) will no longer use up characters in characters in tweets. […]

WordPress Security Vulnerabilities September 2017

wordpres security

It has been found that hackers are able to attack fresh WordPress installs within 30 minutes of installation. The findings were given by Hanno Böck, who found a way attackers can use to find a WordPress website just 30 minutes. The vulnerability has come through the issuing of SSL certificates ironically. The attack would look […]